We are excited to have you be part of this year’s event. Your participation inspires us to host this event each year. We will be ready for July 26th. We want YOU to be too. This page contains important pre-race information. After registration closes, it will be updated to include the wave assignment you will need to know for check-in at the event (this information will also be emailed to registered swimmers). Please review it carefully ahead of time to help you and others be ready and safe for the event.
1. TRAINING AND PREPARATION: Please make sure you have prepared to swim this distance in 2 hours or less. Train. Test yourself; don’t guess. Check our the “Training Swim Options” link on this website. And don’t hesitate to email me for advice, if you are wondering whether you are ready for this race. We want you to have a safe and enjoyable challenge. (
2. WHAT TO BRING AND GEAR TRANSPORT: This may seem obvious, but just in case: make a checklist or pack your bag ahead of time so you don't forget anything. Swimsuit, goggles, wetsuit (if applicable), body-glide, towel, warm clothes, hat, gloves for before and after (even if the weather is warm, being in the water for a while will lower your body temp), water bottle, pre-race food, etc. We encourage everyone to hydrate before you swim starting the day before! Eat if you need to eat. Anything else? Put it on your list, you might not be quite awake when it's time to go on Saturday. USMS rules govern this race — the following equipment is NOT ALLOWED: fins, pull buoy, paddles, snorkel, floating buoy, music player, etc. Please note you will get a plastic bag with your swimmer number at check-in for putting your shoes and clothing items you wear to the start of the race. A truck will transport these to the finish line. Please avoid bringing unnecessary valuables to the event. There will be complimentary food snacks and drinks for all participants at Madison Park after you complete your swim.
3. TIME SCHEDULE: Please be on time. Seriously. If you are late, you likely won’t be able to participate.
6:00 a.m. — Check in opens (look for table with your wave number)
7:00 a.m. — Check in closes
7:00 a.m. — Mandatory Safety Meeting
7:20 a.m. —leave Madison Park and CARPOOL to the start at Day St Boat Ramp - 1402 Lakeside Ave S, Seattle WA
8:15 a.m. — 1st wave starts!
8:18 a.m. – 2nd wave starts
8:21 a.m. – 3rd wave starts
8:24 a.m. – 4th wave starts
8:27 a.m. – 5th wave starts
10:00 a.m. – Preliminary Results Posted
10:20-10:45 a.m.- Awards and Drawings (approximate)
4. TRAVEL, TRAFFIC & PARKING: Give yourself extra time to travel and park. At times, numerous city and highway lane closures have slowed down traffic on the way to the event. As a reminder. The address of Madison Park Beach is 1900 43rd Ave E, Seattle WA. Please carpool with friends if at all possible and find appropriate legal street parking. Parking is typically more available on the streets south of Madison Street. Note parking regulations on signs are enforced regularly. Please, please do not park in front of businesses on Madison and adjoining streets. The businesses need those spaces for their patrons. Be prepared to walk a few blocks to the beach from where you parked.
5. WAVE NUMBERS AND AGE/WETSUIT DIVISIONS: Please note that Wave 1 is the slowest wave by design to reduce the spread of swimmers along the length of the course for safety purposes. For those who provide input on wave placement during the registration process, we will do our best to accommodate many of these requests especially for those of you wanting to swim in same heat with a friend/family member. We will kindly request that you do not request wave number changes after July 20. It adds an unnecessary variable in producing accurate results. The waves are also only 3 minutes apart and everyone has 2 hours to complete the swim.
6. WETSUIT and NON-WETSUIT DIVISION DEFINITION/CHANGES: Are you in the right wetsuit or non-wetsuit category? We have gotten a few questions about what is considered a wetsuit (neoprene shorts for example). The US Masters Swimming Rule Book section for Open Water Events is strict about what qualifies as "non-wetsuit". Article 303.4 says Category I Swimwear (non-wetsuit) can only include "a swimsuit, cap or caps [including neoprene], and goggles". If it doesn't fit Category I then it is Category II - wetsuit. Click here to see if your suit is legal (scroll down to rule 303.4.2b). You can change your wetsuit or non-wetsuit division on race day. FIRST check in at your wave table, THEN GO TO THE CHANGE TABLE where you will complete the change. In late July, the lake temp is usually about 66 - 76 degrees. Here’s a Link to the official lake buoy temperature site (Note click on the red buoy in Lake Washington on this site – FYI water temp is not always displaying on this site)
7. TRANSPORTATION TO THE START OF THE RACE: We ask that everyone work together to help get everyone to the start and we have never had a problem with this in the past. The address of the start is 1402 Lakeside Ave S. There is only street parking available and note that more may be available south of the park. Watch for cyclists when opening doors as this is a popular cycling route. At the end of the safety briefing, we will encourage drivers and riders to meet up. We also have some volunteers who have offered to drive swimmers to the start. Of course Uber and Lyft can be an option as well. If you have friends or family at the event, it works great to have them drive you to the start and take any other swimmers you can squeeze in with you! After the swim, some swimmers may have cars parked at the start, please offer to give them a ride to pick up their vehicle if you are able.
8. TIMING and SWIMMER CHECK-IN/OUT OF WATER – We are serious about accounting for every swimmer in/out of the water. We will be using chip timing this year. Please be patient and prepare to show your swimmer number marked on your hands to our volunteers before you enter the water. We will line you up by wave and then by swimmer number to make this as quick as possible at the start. At the finish, please do not try to run/rush through the finish. We have 3 sets of volunteers that each need to get your number before you pass them so we have an accurate time and so you marked as “out of the water”. If you arrive by a support boat, ensure the swimmer check-in/out volunteers know you have returned.
9. STRAGGLERS AND TIME LIMIT: Maintaining everyone's safety is key so we need to keep you bunched together and within a certain distance from a lifeguard. Stragglers and those who are not on track to finish the race in 2 hours (e.g. not past 1.5 mile mark in one hour) will be asked to get out of the water onto one of our support boats (they have snacks and towels for you by the way!) If we need to pull you, please don't argue. Anyone behind the cutoffs jeopardizes the safety of the event and limits our ability to bring this event to you again next year. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CAN SWIM THE DISTANCE IN UNDER 2 HOURS. DON’T GUESS.
10. TROUBLE ON THE COURSE: We certainly hope you won't have any, but just in case...UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD ANYONE WHO FEELS TIRED SWIM TO THE SHORE AND GO HOME . If you can’t finish, please flag a guard or kayak to be pulled onto a motor boat. If you head for shore we’ll have no idea that you’ve left and will see yourself on the evening news as missing. A lifeguard or boat will be closer to you than the shore. (Of course, use common sense: if you are at the point of collapse and are closer to shore than to a lifeguard or boat, then by all means save yourself. Then notify a race volunteer.)
11. RESULTS AND AWARDS: We strive to provide accurate results as soon as possible. Errors in this process can happen so please look at your results as soon as you can after you swim and let us know if your results are missing or if you think time is way off, wrong wetsuit category, etc.. We want to get this corrected before awards are issued starting shortly after 10:15am. For each age group, sex, and wetsuit and no wetsuit category, we have cool Fat Salmon water bottles for the top 3 in each age group. We also of course have salmon fillet prizes for top 3 overall finishers (regardless of age) in each category.
12. T-SHIRTS, HOODIES & OTHER MERCHANDISE– Your event t-shirt and hoodie (if applicable) in the size you ordered will be provided to you at check-in. If you want to substitute a different size, you can check after your swim to see if your alternate size is still available. Pre-ordered T-shirts and hoodies must be picked up at check-in. We will have some other cool Fat Salmon merchandise (3.2 Fat Salmon Car Decals, Current and Past Year shirts and hoodies, etc.) available at the event so check it out.
13. DRAWING FOR PRIZES– Enter your name at the event for various cool swim accessory prizes. Must be present to get prize. Blue70 and SwimTrek have donated some nice items for the drawings.
14. REFUNDS & SUBSTITUTIONS - When you registered, you agreed to a non-refundable, non-transferable, non-deferrable entry to this year’s race. We’re so sorry if you are unable to swim for any reason but there are no refunds or substitutions. The costs to run this event are very high and refunds/deferrals/substitutions jeopardizes the financial ability to continue to run this event. If you are able, please consider coming to volunteer or cheer on others; you can still pick up your cap and t-shirt too.
15. LATE / DAY OF RACE REGISTRATION – Registration often fills by race day. When this happens we are not able to accept late or day of race registrations.
16. THANKS TO OUR VOLUNTEERS – In addition to the months of planning efforts of the NEO Swim Team volunteer planning committee, we have over 80 other volunteers who help do things the day of the event. If you have chance to thank some of our volunteers, please do so! A very special thanks to outgoing directors Jim Lasersohn and Amy Cole for their ongoing expert guidance.
17. THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS – The financial and in-kind support of our sponsors/supporters subsidizes the substantial costs of putting on this event. Our supporting sponsors this year are: Blue70, SwimTrek, Gentle Giant Moving Company, Wild Salmon Seafood Market, New Roots Organics, Jack’s BBQ, Sylvia’s Swim Shop, Joe Nabbefeld - Realtor, and more. Please support these businesses and let them know you appreciate their support of Fat Salmon!
18. QUESTIONS? If you have any, check the FAQ’s on our website or the full official race information found on the registration page: If you don't see the answer there, please be sure to ask at the pre-race meeting, so that others can benefit from your question and our answers.
Thank you for your reading through this information we look forward to bringing you another awesome event!
Paul Glezen
Race Director